Departing from the Grand Place, you will discover various districts and numerous tourist attractions with commentary by a professional guide. A unique way to discover the beauty of Brussels!
Departure from Grand Place*.
No booking
Max. 5 people / carriage
70€ / carriage
Covered in case of rain
11 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. on weekdays and 10.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at weekends
Every day*
* with some exceptions (events, weather, etc.)
Like many major inventions, there is some debate as to who invented the electric car. History records the appearance of the first electric cars in the 1830s. In the 19th century, electricity was seen as an innovative alternative to steam and coal, which were the main sources of energy at the time. In 1832, in the Netherlands, Scottish inventor Robert Anderson presented his first electrically powered carriage. His vehicle used 8 electromagnets powered by an entire battery. Performance was anecdotal, but the electric car had just made history!
We do not take bookings during our traditional opening hours.
If you would like information about services outside this framework (events, shuttles, etc.), you can use the form below.